Translation: Utthita – Upright; Hasta – hand; Pad – feet; Angushtha – big toe; asana- posture.
Utthita hasta padangusthasana series are intermediate-level poses that require a mix of strength, flexibility, and balance. There are four variations of this pose (Upright hand to the big toe pose A, B, C, and D). These four poses are a part of the Ashtanga vinyasa yoga standing sequence and are done one after the other on one leg and then on the other leg.
The alignment of this pose is a bit tricky as a lot of push and pull action is happening. The weight of the legs and the pull from the inflexibility of the hamstrings can easily pull the spine out of alignment and round your shoulders and lower back. So it becomes important to progress in this posture slowly and step by step.
Sometimes people use a Yoga belt as a modification of this posture but we don’t recommend it. From our experience people using the yoga belt just lean onto the other side without engaging the proper muscles and do not use the push-pull action that needs to happen in this posture. Though we are not against using the yoga belt for the lying down version of the same posture (supta hasta padangusthasana).
Utthita hasta padangusthasana A

- Start from Tadasana/Samasthiti shift your whole weight on your left leg and bend the right knee trying to bring the knee as close to the chest as possible using both hands. Keep the hips squared and do not lift the hip up. (If your hamstrings are not long enough then you can stay in this posture as a preparation for the final posture)
- Hold the right big toe by wrapping with the first two fingers of the right hand and put your left hand on your left hip. Try to pull the knee in towards the midline of the body.
- Straighten the right leg but only to the point where your back can be held upright. With the leg straight try to lift it higher. If the shoulder is pulled forward then try to pull it back until the shoulders are squared. Try to stay in the posture for 5 breaths and repeat on the other side (if you are doing all the four variations then continue with the next pose on the same leg )
Utthita hasta padangusthasana B

- From position A straighten the spine, and bring the hand and foot down, in line with the shoulders.
- Take the right leg out to the side of the body, and look to the left. Try to keep the shoulders and hips in line with each other
Utthita hasta padangusthasana C

- From position B, look to the front, slowly bring the leg back to the center, and keep the lower abdomen and thighs engaged.
- Hold the right leg with both hands and lift and extend the leg, bending the elbows, squeezing in with the core. Look at the toes.
Utthita hasta padangusthasana D

- From position C, engage your core and legs and slowly let go of the hands.
- Bring the hands to the hips, keep the leg extended at 90°, spine straight, bandhas engaged.
- Repeat the same postures A, B, C, and D on the other leg.
If your hamstrings are tight then you can keep your knee bent and hold the knee with your hand instead of the big toes in the variations A, B, and C
Variation D requires a lot of core and thigh strength so you might get a muscle spasm in your thigh.
- Stretches hamstrings, hips, and adductors
- Strengthens back, legs, ankles, and arm muscles
- Improves sense of balance.
- Calms the mind and improves focus.
- Ankle injury
- Knee injury
- Lower back injuries
- Tight hamstrings/ hamstrings injuries.
Looking for more postures? Check our Yoga asana library.