Urdhva means upwards, kukkut means a rooster. There are several ways to come into this posture like headstand and handstand, but for the ones who have a tight lotus posture (padmasana) the best way to do the posture is from utpluthih, the steps for the same is described below.
- Sit in lotus posture (padmasana).
- Place your hands by the sides of your thigh and lift your body up into utpluthih.
- Inhale and swing your knees back and place it on the upper arm, trying to bring the knees as close to the armpits as possible.
- Stay here for as long as possible and then swigh your knee back into utpluthih.
- Its a good stretch for the hips and the spine.
- It helps in strengthening the wrists and arms.
- It strengthens and tones various muscles and organs in the abdominal region.
- Pregnancy
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Cerebral thrombosis
- Knee and ankle injury
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