Translation: Griva- Neck; asana- posture.
Grivasana is an advanced neck strengthening posture. This exercise is often done by wrestlers and martial artists to strengthen their necks.
This is a strenuous posture. If you are not doing it properly then it might compress the vertebrae joints in the neck.

Steps for Grivasana
- Lie flat on the back
- Bend your knees and bring the heel as close to the hips as possible. (Knee and the feet should be slightly separated)
- Place the palms on either side of the head.
- Inhale, push down on the hands and the feet and raise the trunk placing the crown of your head on the floor.
- Cross your arms on the chest. Balance on the head and the feet. This is the final position, hold this for a few seconds breathing normally.
- To come out of the posture, place your palms on the side of the head and slowly lower down your body with an exhale.
- Strengthens the neck, back, and thighs.
- Improves the sense of balance.
- Neck conditions such as spondylitis, or any neck injury.
- Arthritis, slipped disc, high blood pressure, coronary diseases, high myopia, serious eye problems, prolapse, and hernia.
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