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Ardha Shalabhasana – Half Locust Pose

Ardha – Half
Shalabh – Locust


Variation 1


  • Lie flat on the stomach, with the chin on the floor.
  • Bring the hands under the thighs, with palms facing downwards, and stretch the chin slightly forwards.
  • Inhale, using the back and leg muscles lift the right leg as high as possible keeping the toes pointing back. Make sure that your hips stay on the ground, and the pelvis remains in a neutral position.
  • Stay in the posture for 30 seconds breathing normally. Try to keep the shoulders broad.
  • Exhale, lower your right leg down
  • Inhale, repeat on the other side.
  • If practicing dynamically then lift, and lower the legs on the inhale exhale cycle, (inhale up, exhale down, change legs) make sure to keep the breaths long and steady.

Variation 2


  • Lie flat on the stomach, with the chin on the floor.
  • Stretch both arms straight in front of you, keeping them parallel to each other. Keep the legs extended and the thigh muscles engaged
  • Inhale, raise the left leg, the right arm and head as high as possible. Point the toes back, and stretch the fingers away from the body
  • Stay in the posture for 30 seconds breathing normally.
  • Exhale, lower your hand and leg down. Repeat on the other side.
  • If practicing dynamically then lift, and lower the arm and leg on the inhale exhale cycle, (inhale up, exhale down, change) make sure to keep the breaths long and steady.


  • Strengthens the lower back
  • Massages the pelvic organs.
  • Releases tension in the pelvic area
  • Tones the buttocks