Ardha – Half
Chadra – Moon
This posture is also called Anjaneyasana.
- Start in Ashwa Sanchalanasana, a deep lunge with the right foot infront of the left, and the hands down.
- Inhale, raise the hands, and stretch both arms over the head keeping them shoulder width apart.
- Arch the back look up, raising the chin.
- Your body should resemble a half moon with your body gently curving from the tip of the fingers to the tip of the toes.
- Stay in the posture for a few seconds breathing normally.
- Exhale, come back to Ashwa Sanchalanasana
- Opens the chest, deepening the breathing.
- Stretches the thighs, hips, and groin
- Relieves sciatica pain
- Improves balance and concentration
- Strengthens, thighs and quadriceps.
- Strengthens lungs for asthma sufferers
- Knee and ankle injuries
- Neck problems
- If you feel pain in the shoulders of neck bring the hands to the hips