Translation: Shalabh – Locust; asana- pose.
Shalabhasana (the locust pose, or grasshopper pose) is an advanced pose that requires very strong back and core muscles.

- Lie flat on your stomach, with the legs and feet together, toes pointing back.
- Interlace your fingers and place them under your body (as in the photo). Stretch the chin forwards and place it on the ground.
- Inhale, push the hands against the ground and lift both legs up using the lower back muscles (keep both legs together, thigh muscles engaged and toes pointing back).
- Hold the position for as long as comfortable without straining, and breathe normally.
- Exhale, and lower the legs.
- If performing dynamically then inhale lift the legs up, hold for one breath, then exhale and lower the legs down. Repeat 10 times
Modifications for Shalabhasana:
- Place your hands on the sides of your thighs, with the palms facing down, but in this variation, you might not be able to lift your legs as high.
- Strengthens the lower back.
- Massages the pelvic organs.
- Relief from backache, mild sciatica, and slipped disc as long as the condition is not serious.
- Tones and balances the functioning of the liver, stomach, bowels, and other abdominal organs.
- Improves appetite, and digestion
- Tones the hip muscles.
- Weak heart
- High blood pressure
- Coronary thrombosis.
- Peptic ulcer,
- Hernia,
- Intestinal tuberculosis.
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