The standing postures are used to build a foundation of strength and balance in the body. The poses can be as simple or as complicated as you require, but they are fundamentally about creating stability in the body to support all other movements.
As the mind and the body follow each other, these postures can also be used as a psychological tool to build mental strength and stability.
Try to make sure you actively engage the muscles and work on the poses that you find difficult.

Translation: Kati- Waist; Chakra- Circle; asana- posture. Kati chakrasana (waist rotating pose) is a simple spinal twisting pose generally used… Read More »Kati Chakrasana – Waist Rotating Pose

Translation: Utthita – Upright; Hasta – hand; Pad – feet; Angushtha – big toe; asana- posture. Utthita hasta padangusthasana series… Read More »Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana/ Upright hand to big toe pose

Prasarita : Wide stance ; Pad: Foot ; Uttan : Intense stretch. Wide-legged standing forward bend with variations and full… Read More »Prasarita Padottanasana A,B,C & D – Wide legged Forward bend A,B,C & D