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How do I start meditation? Where to begin?

Meditation is very easy to start with and doesn’t need any special equipment. The only thing you need is a quiet space (or earbuds) and yourself. So if your mind is bluffing you and saying that once I have ‘these things’ or ‘achieve something’ or ‘finish something’, etc then I will start meditating then you should definitely start today.

The easiest method to start with is the “ focusing on the breath” meditation practice. These days you can find many apps and guided meditations online which might be a bit easier to start with. Gradually you can progress to other meditation techniques.

Start in small steps, only for five minutes. Set a 5 minutes timer on your watch/ phone. Sit down on the floor or the bed in a comfortable position (Sukhasana– cross-legged pose is the most common pose, If you find this pose difficult you can even sit on a chair).

Align your body and make your spine straight. Tell to yourself that for the next five minutes I am NOT going to move and commit to it. The mind would try to distract you making you feel that you need to itch or move etc. It is just 5 minutes, commit to it.

Bring your attention to your breath and observe the sensation of the air passing through your nose. As you inhale the cool air goes in and as you exhale the warm air goes out. Keep your attention on the feeling of the air touching the insides of your nose. It is normal for the attention to jump on to another thought after some time, whenever your awareness is back you bring the attention back to the breath.

Do not feel guilty or sad or annoyed for not being able to meditate for the first time, this is a practice and it takes time. Like the muscles, the mind also needs training and practice. Even realizing that meditation might be difficult is a step in the right direction.

Try to be consistent in your practice. Consistency and discipline are the keys. Commit to yourself that for the next 21 days I am going to do the breath awareness meditation every day for 5 to 10 minutes. Finish this milestone and make another new one for increased timing or a different type of meditation.

You will be amazed how only 5 to 10 minutes of daily meditation can have such a massive impact on your life.